
Cards (28)

  • What is depression
    Consistent low mood,energy,negative thinking
  • cog characteristic of depression:
    poor concentration
    struggle to complete tasks + make decisions
  • cog characteristic of depression:
    Negative thinking
    Pay more attention to negative aspects
  • cog characteristic of depression:
    catastrophic thinking
    when something bad- thinks its complete disaster
    also known: absolutist, black white thinking
  • behavioural characteristic of depression: low energy levels
    withdraw from work, school, life.
    also known as being lethargic
  • behavioural characteristic of depression: aggression
    become aggressive towards self or others
  • emotional characteristic of depression: low mood
    intense low mood: worthlessness or emptiness
  • emotional characteristic of depression: anger
    become angry at self or other
  • emotional characteristic of depression: low self esteem
    experience themselve in negative light
    also self loathing
  • what is OCD
    obsessions = cognitive
    compulsions = behavioural
  • cognitive characteristics of OCD:
    recurring unpleasant thoughts
  • cognitive characteristics of OCD: understanding

    aware obsession is irrational
  • behavioural characteristics of OCD: compulsions
    feel need to repeat behaviour
  • behavioral characteristics of OCD: avoidance

    Avoid situations that trigger anxiety
  • emotional characteristics of OCD: obsessions cause anxiety
    unpleasant and recurring
  • emotional characteristics of OCD: compulsions cause anxiety
    constant urge to repeat behaviour
  • emotional characteristics of OCD: guilt
    person feels irrational guilt over minor mistake
  • Behavioural characteristic of depression: disruption to sleep/eating

    Hypersomnia increased sleep insomnia decreased sleep
    increased or decreased appetite
  • what is a phobia
    excessive fear of object, place, situation out of proportion to danger of phobia
  • example of phobia
    specific- fear of thing/ situation
    social- fear of social situation
    agora - fear of being outside
  • cognitive characteristics of phobias: selective attention
    person struggles to direct attention away from phobias
  • cognitive characteristics of phobias: Irrational beliefs
    Belief about phobia is illogical or unfounded
  • cognitive characteristics of phobias:
    cognitive distortions
    perception of phobia is exaggerated
  • behavioral characteristics of phobias: panic
    immediate strong visible response with phobia
  • behavioral characteristics of phobias: avoidance
    try to distance from phobia
  • behavioral characteristics of phobias: endurance
    stay with phobia to monitor it
  • emotional characteristics of phobias: anxiety
    continuous unpleasant state of arousal with or without phobia
  • emotional characteristics of phobias: Fear
    Immediate unpleasant response when notice phobia