Psychological therapies

Cards (14)

  • What is a token economy
    Behaviourist approach to treat avolition
    Involve rewards to improve behaviour
    Encouraged to develop own better habits
  • what are the tokens in a token economy
    given out for desirable behaviour, positively reinforce behaviour.
    imediacy of reward important as prevents delay discounting and reduced effect of delayed reward
  • rewards in a token economy
    • tokens have no value but can be swapped for reward like chocolate
    • Token secondary reinforcer, ‘chocolate’ Primary reinforcer
  • weakness of token economy: opposing evidence 

    review 3 token economy studies, 1 improved symptoms of SZ, 0 found sustained behaviour modification.
    suggests long term benefits limited
  • weakness of token economy: ethics
    dehumanising, theory based on animal studies, mechanistic view of behaviour, patients veiwed as passive machines responding to rewards.
    application has ethical implications
  • What is family therapy
    • psychological approach idea something wrong in family needs fixing
    • Aim to improve communication/ reduce negative emotions
    • Less stress / relapse risk
  • strategies of family therapy
    form therapeutic alliance with family improves ability to solve problems and attitudes towards SZ
  • strength of family therapy
    research support = meta analysis found families able to improve communication to reduce stress of SZ person
    reduces relapse rate
  • Weakness of family therapy
    Interactionalist approach more effective = 40% relapse rate only drug treatment, 20% only family therapy, less than 5% when combined.
    Combination is better
  • What is CBT as a psychological therapy for SZ
    Cognitive + behavioural technique where client/therapist work to identify negative thoughts and challenge them
    E.G. logic dispute > question logic of thoughts
  • what is behavioural activation in CBT as a psychological therapy for SZ
    SZ isolate making symptoms worse, behavioural activation increases engagement with mood boosting activities
    therapist reinforces these
    when thoughts are understood emotional wellbeing improves but symptoms don’t disappear only cope better
  • strength of CBT as a psychological therapy for SZ
    research support showing effectiveness by Jauhar who reviewed 34 studies found small positive effect on pos + neg symptoms
    suggests CBT helps coping
  • weakness of CBT as a psychological therapy for SZ
    minimise clients circumstances = challenging thoughts interferes with clients freedom of thought
  • weakness of CBT as a psychological therapy for SZ
    doesnt cure SZ only helps patient understand conditions
    CBT should be used with other treatments