Alpha bias is when a researcher exaggerates the difference between men and women.
Beta bias is when a researcher minimises or ignores the difference between men and women
In observational studies, we need to operationalise the behaviour we observe, using behaviouralcategories
Beta bias can be seen in
Asch's conformity research
Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment
Milgram's obedience experiment
When research focuses on male participants, that research is androcentric
When research lacks validity because it focuses on male participants, it suffers from androcentricbias
Freud’s theories suffer from androcentricalpha bias, because they suggest that there are enormous, permanent psychological differences between men and women, and that female traits were abnormal and inferior
When research focuses on women, it’s called gynocentrism
When research like Moscovici’s makes invalid conclusions by using mainly female participants but drawing conclusions about everybody, it’s called gynocentricbeta bias
Instead of fight or flight in response to stress, further research has shown females show a tend and befriend response
Gender bias
When the assumptions about the differences between genders are mistaken
Androcentric bias
When there is a lack of reliability or validity in the research because of a focus on males
Androcentrism in experimental psychology has led to psychologists displaying androcentric bias in their research. By having a focus on just men’s behaviours, researchers have a higher likelihood to reach invalid conclusions about the behaviour of women, leaving unhelpful or inaccurate ideas of women being unchallenged.
Gynocentrism may lead to gynocentric bias if it is assumed that men and women would act the same