Content Analysis

Cards (5)

  • Content analysis
    Content analysis is a technique used to change qualitative data into quantitative data using pre-defined codes or categories
    • read the qualitative data and come up with pre-defined categories or codes to look out for
    • give examples of the categories or codes here
    • read the qualitative data
    • keep a tally for each code/category and compare/analyse the data
  • Evaluation of content analysis
    S - high ecological validity
    W - subjectivity
  • Thematic analysis
    another form of content analysis is thematic analysis. This involves looking through the coding and the data and identifying specific themes that reoccur (e.g. childhood). This method however, keeps the data qualitative
  • Thematic analysis process
    -read/watch the qualitative data (interviews)
    -identify the common themes
    -write up the common themes, using quotes (from the interviews) as your evidence
  • Evaluation of thematic analysis
    S - high ecological validity
    W - subjectivity