Aim: To investigate what level of obedience would be shown when participants were told by an authority figure to administer electric shocks to another person.
How many participants were recruited for the experiment?
The location the experiment is run by ‘an advertising agency’ and is carried out is moved to a run-down office block in Bridgeport. The researcher wears jeans and a T shirt.
Obedience drops when the authority figure has less legitimate power through location and clothing.
Situational variables affecting obedience
The experimenter was called away because of an inconvenient phone call right at the start of the procedure and his role was taken over by ‘an ordinary member of the public’ (also a confederate) who wore normal clothes not a lab coat.
Obedience drops considerably when the authority figure is not seen to have legitimate authority.
Situational variables affecting obedience
Two Teacher Condition
Participants could instruct an assistant (confederate) to press the switches. When there is less personal responsibility obedience increases. This relates to Milgram's Agency Theory.
Obedience rises considerably when there is less personal responsibility.
Situational variables affecting obedience
The proximity of the researcher to the teacher.
The experimenter gave orders over the phone, rather than being in the same room as the participant.
Obedience drops when the authority figure is not face to face with the person they are giving orders to.
Situational variables affecting obedience
The proximity of the teacher to the learner.
Both teacher and learner are in the same room (so the teacher can see and hear the learner).
This is because the authority figure becomes depersonalised and is easier to disobey.
in real life, it is much easier to disobey someone when an order is given by phone or e-mail than when it is given face-to-face.
If the teacher can see the learner, it is harder to obey the authority figure because the learner is no longer depersonalised.
is that there is research evidence to support the influence of situational variables. For example, Bickman (1974) looked at the effect of uniform on obedience. They got a confederate dressed either in a jacket/tie or as a milkman or as a security guard to ask a passer-by to provide a coin for the parking meter (or similar). They found that people were twice as likely to obey the ‘security guard’ than the ‘jacket-tie’ confederate.
This supports Milgram’s conclusion that a uniform conveys authority and is a situational factor that can influence obedience.