A03 Asch

Cards (7)

  • Evaluation of Asch' Research?

    + Deutsche & Gerrard (1995) - supporting research
    -Lacks ecological validity
    -Lacks temporal validity
    -lacks population validity
  • Supporting Research - Asch?

    P: Deutsche & Gerrard (1995) study adds validity to Asch's research by showing how his ppt were experience NSI.
    E: In this variation of Asch, they asked ppt to write down answers then throw the paper away.
    E: Conformity DROPPPED BY 5% here (study carried out at similar time & similar sample as Asch)
    E: Showing individuals in Asch were conforming due to desire to be LIKED rather than the desire to be RIGHT as when answering privately they have the obvious correct answer. Adding validity to & strengthening Ash answer.
  • Lacks Ecological Validity - Asch

    P: Asch research CRITICISED for lacking ECOLOGICAL validity.
    E: Task set = novel to ppt as people would rarely be asked to judge line lengths. Ppt knew in study so may respond = DEMAND CHARACTERISTICS
    E: Thus, their behaviour = less natural than if the task were a more mundane real life one, such as Schultz's; where ppt where measured on recycling behaviour.
    L: This reduces the application and generalisability of the research and means that the behaviour observed may have been affected by the unusualness of the task set (lacks mundane realism).
  • Lacks Population Validity - Asch - Part 1
    P: Research into conformity used ppt from small percentage of population. e.g. Asch = all MALE STUDENTS from USA (individualist culture).
    E: Not ideal as GENDER differences in conformity (seen in Neto's 1995 study = women more conformist than men due to them being more concerned about social relationships & being accepted).
    E: Cultural differences also, with COLLECTIVIST cultures being more conformist as the group needs is more important than individual needs (suggested by Smith & Bond 1998).
    E: Student vs non student
  • Lacks population Validity - Asch Part 2

    L: For this reason, its difficult to generalise data to collectivist, female non students, weakening Asch study by lowing its population validity.
  • Lacks Temporal Validity - Asch? Part 1

    P: Critique of Asch's study (1951) is people now would not react in the same way & would be much less likely to conform - it's a 'Child of the Time' study.E: This was shown in Perrin & Spencer's 1980 replication of the Asch which was conducted in the UK and used ENGINEERING STUDENTS.
    E: There significant reduction in conformity = only 1 of 396 ppt conforming.
  • Lacks Temporal Validity - Asch? Part 2

    L: Showing original study lacks temporal validity as conformity displayed not consistent 30 years later. May be due to shift in social norms & different political context. Weakens Asch's study since shows that his findings not generalisable to different time periods (conformity dependent on culture, society, politics and way of ).