Cards (4)

  • What best describes identification as a feature of social learning?

    wanting to be like another person
  • Outline Skinner’s research into reinforcement.

    Skinner studied operant conditioning, showing that behavior is shaped by its consequences. Using the "Skinner Box," he observed how animals learned to press a lever for rewards like food. He identified two types of reinforcement: positive reinforcement (adding a reward to increase behavior) and negative reinforcement (removing something unpleasant to increase behavior).
  • Explain two strengths of the behaviourist approach in psychology.

    The behaviorist approach is scientific, using controlled, measurable methods that ensure reliability. It also has practical applications, such as therapies for phobias and behavior modification techniques, showing its real-world usefulness.
  • What do social learning theorists mean by imitation?

    Imitation refers to the act of copying or reproducing the behavior of a role model or observed individual.