(1832-1920) aka the 'father' of experimental psychology was the first person to usher in psychology as an academic discipline
In 1875Wundt established the first laboratory dedicated to experimental psychology at Leipzig University.
Wundt’s approach became known as structuralism
Structuralism is
breaking down mental processes into their most basic components
Wundt developed a technique, known as introspection, the literal definition of which is looking into'
Introspection works by a person consciously observing and being aware of their sensations and perceptions (in the form of thoughts and emotions)
Wundt'sintrospective sessions took place in a controlled environment (both he and his colleagues participated). Wundt introduced stimuli (images or sounds) which participants then considered. Wundt used the findings from introspection to illuminate and identify the processes involved in human consciousness
The origins of psychology and its journey towards establishing itself as a valid and credible discipline has, to date, taken almost 150 years
1879: Wundt opened the first experimental psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany and introduced the introspective method. Psychology begins its road towards becoming a distinct discipline
1900s: Freud developed psychodynamic theory and psychoanalysis with its emphasis on unconscious motives and drives
1913: Watson and Skinner proposed behaviourism as an antidote to Freud and Wundt
1950s: Rogers and Maslow developed humanistic psychology as a rebuff to behaviourism and psychodynamism
1960s: Cognitivepsychology is suggested, using computer models and information processing to explain behaviour
1980s: The biological approach took precedence in psychology, made possible by technological advances e.g. brain scans such as MRI
2000s onwards: Cognitive neuroscience emerges as the means whereby to amalgamate biology and cognition
Introspection can be used to describe both an informal reflection process and a more formalised experimental approach.
Introspection involves informally examining our own internal thoughts and feelings.
When we reflect on our thoughts, emotions, and memories and examine what they mean, we are engaging in introspection.
The term introspection is also used to describe a research technique that was first developed by psychologist Wilhelm Wundt.
Introspection is also known as experimentalself-observation.
Wundt'stechnique involved training people to carefully and objectively as possible analyse the content of their own thoughts.
Wundt developed the technique of ‘introspection’. This is how people gain knowledge about their own mental and emotional states.
Introspection is the process by which a person gains knowledge about their own mental and emotional states.
In 1879Wundt opened the first scientific laboratory dedicated to studying Psychology.
Wilhelm Wundt wanted to make psychological analysis more scientific.
Wundt wanted to standardise procedures for studying mental processes.
Wundt tried to isolate the structure of consciousness which became known as structuralism.
Wundt is believed to be the founder of modern Psychology.
Wundt developed the Institute of Experimental Psychology in the University of Leipzig.
Science uses paradigms to illustrate a shared set of beliefs. Most traditional sciences have one key paradigm that all researchers support, however in Psychology, we have several paradigms.
The different approaches in Psychology are known as paradigms.
Kuhn (1962) claimed that all sciences must have a paradigm; a unique set of beliefs or principles that people work with.
Kuhn (1962) argued that Psychology was not a science as it has multiple paradigms.
Empirical evidence refers to data collected through direct observation or experiment.
Objectivity means researchers should remain unbiased and minimise sources of bias.
Control involves controlling extraneous variables to establish cause and effect.
Hypothesis testing involves making predictions that can be tested and verified.
Wundt developed standardised techniques which have high reliability.
Lab experiments are highly controlled and can be replicated easily, making them more reliable.
Lab experiments manipulate and control variables making them very objective.