A03 ZImbardo

Cards (7)

  • Evaluation of Zimbardo's Study?
    +Exaggerating situational factors - Fromm
    -Research Against Zimbardo - BBC
    -Ethical Issues
    -Oralndo (1973) - supporting research
  • Research against Zimbardo? Part 1

    P: Findings of BBC prison study (2006) challenges Zimbardo that his ppt easily conformed to their roles just coz they were given them.
    E: This partial recreation found prisoners didn't conform to their expected role & actual ended up harassing the guards.
    E: In fact even in original study 1/3 of guards actively tried to support & help prisoners, presumably coz they never identified with roles as prison guards.
  • Research against Zimbardo? Part 2

    L: Showing that if the group social identity not shared among majority of members then they will be unable to conform to their roles.
    • Zimbardo in 1973 - BBC in 2006 - not applicable in todays society?
  • Ethical Issues - Zimbardo?

    P: Zimbardo had many criticisms due to the ethical issues he contravened.
    E: Many of the ppt suffered psychological harm during the experiment, experiencing issues of humiliation and distress.
    E: Also, Zimbardo's role as superintendent meant he unable to remain objective & his priority was effective running of prison instead of the welfare of ppt (role conflicted with role of researcher in protecting his ppt)
    L: This unacceptable & were these issues ever violated by a psychologist today they be heavily reprimanded and ousted from the psychological community.
  • Zimbardo exaggerates situational factors - A03 - Part 1

    P: Fromm (1973) criticised Zimbardo that he exaggerates the power of situational factors whilst understated effect of dispositional factors.
    E: As only 1/3 of guards acted in a brutal manner this would suggest that there must have been factors other that the situation which lead to the behaviour. (others supported prisoners)
  • Zimbardo exaggerates situational factors - A03 - Part 2
    E: Z conclusion that ppt conformed to social roles is overstated exaggerating the power of the situation & we should not ignore role personality factors played in experiment (ppt variables)
    L: The difference in the guards behaviour suggests that we can still behave in a way we deem right or wrong despite situational pressure to conform to the social role.
  • Supporting Research - Zimbardo
    P: Supporting research comes from Oralndo (1973) who used hospital staff as ppt in the psychiatric unit where they worked.
    E: Within a short time, the behaviour if the mock patients was almost identical to that of real patients in the hospital.
    E: Some suffered withdrawal, depression and weeping. Others tried to escape.
    L: This supports Zimbardo's suggestion that people will readily conform to the social role they are given.