A03 Explanations of Conformity

    Cards (8)

    • Evaluation of Explanations of Conformity?

      +Supporting research for NSI (Schultz 1999)
      -NSI individual differences - (McGhee & Teevan 1967)
      -ISI individual differences - (Perrin & Spencer's 1980 & Asch 1955)
      -Two-process approach is oversimplified
      + Research support for NSI (Asch 1951)
      + Research support for ISI (Lucas et al)
    • Supporting research for NSI - conformity A03
      P: Supporting research by Schultz (1999) shows how NSI can occur in real world & has practical applications
      E: Households exposed to info about recycling behaviour - some told importance of recycling whilst others given feedback about how well neighbours recycled 
      E: Found ppts exposed to info about neighbours, more likely to recycle, vs those with generic messages about importance of recycling
      L: Demonstrates NSI as shows exposure to neighbourhood group norms increased the behaviour. Also suggests positive steps to bring about behaviour chang
    • Research support for ISI - conformity A03

      P: Research from Lucas et al supports suggestion ISI increases in ambiguous situations
      E: They asked students answer easy & difficult maths problems and also asked them to rate their understanding of maths
      E: Found more conformity to incorrect answers when more difficult problems, (when ppts understanding was rated as “poor”)
      L: This shows we experience ISI most when we find a task or situation challenging and when we lack confidence in our own ability and we look to others who we assume know more about task & better than us and must be right.
    • Research support for NSI - conformity A03?

      P: Research by Asch (1951) shows the power of NSI when in a group situation
      E: PPs in this study asked to estimated length of a line after a group of peers (confederates) gave their answers
      E: The results showed high conformity levels even when the answer given was very clearly incorrect yet PPs still went along with the majority
      L: This shows that the pressure to be accepted by the group is strong enough to change people’s responses—even when they know they are right
    • ISI individual differences - conformity A03

      Asch (1955) found that students were less conformist (28%) than other ppt (37%).
      E: Perrin and Spencer's (1980) also found less conformity in students - in this study they were engineering students (i.e. confident about precision).
      L: People who are knowledgeable and/or more confident are less influenced by the apparently 'right' view of a majority. Thus there are differences in how individuals respond to ISI.
    • two-process approach is oversimplified - conformity A03

      P: This approach states that behaviour is due to either NSI or ISI
      E: However, conformity was reduced when there was a dissenting partner in the Asch experiment.
      E: This dissenter may reduce the power of NSI (by providing social support) or reduce the power of ISI (because they are an alternative source of info)
      L: Therefore, it is not always possible to know whether NSI or ISI is at work. This questions the view of ISI and NSI as operating independently in conforming behaviour.
    • NSI individual differences - conformity A03

      P:People who care more about being like are more affected by NSI. They are nAffiliators - people have greater need for social relationships.
      E: McGhee and Teevan (1967) found that students who were nAffiliators were more likely to conform.
      L: The desire to be liked underlies conformity for some people more than others. One general theory does not cover the fast there are differences.
    • Research support for ISI - conformity A03

      P: Lucas supports ISI increases in ambiguous situations
      E: Asked students answer easy & difficult maths problems & asked them to rate their understanding of maths
      E: More conformity to incorrect answers when they more difficult, (ppts rated “poor”).
      L: Shows we experience ISI most when situation challenging & when we lack confidence in own ability & we look to others who we assume know more about task & better than us & must be right.
      Shows people conform in situations where they feel they don’t know the answer (ISI)