Minority influence

Cards (30)

  • What is minority influence?
    When the minority changes the attitudes and beliefs of the majority
  • What is the process called when the minority gets the majority to agree with them?
  • What are the three steps to conversion in minority influence?
    Conflict, understanding, validity
  • What happens during the conflict stage of minority influence?
    The minority creates conflict by opposing social norms
  • What happens during the understanding stage of minority influence?
    The majority tries to reason and understand the minority's arguments
  • What happens during the validity stage of minority influence?
    The majority accepts the minority's arguments as correct
  • What is the term for when the majority adopts the minority's beliefs and attitudes?
  • What are the three factors that strengthen minority influence?
    Consistency, commitment, flexibility
  • What is consistency in minority influence?
    When the minority is consistent in their message, arguments, and actions
  • What is commitment in minority influence?
    When the minority continues to voice their beliefs despite public disapproval
  • What is flexibility in minority influence?
    When the minority complies with the majority and is willing to compromise
  • How do consistency, commitment, and flexibility affect minority influence?
    They increase the likelihood of understanding and successful conversion
  • What is social change in the context of minority influence?
    When the behaviours and attitudes of a society shift due to conversion
  • What is the snowball effect in minority influence?
    The speed of conversion accelerates as more people start to convert
  • What is social cryptomnesia?
    When people forget the origins of a belief over time
  • What was Moscovici's aim in his experiment?
    To investigate if a minority could influence the majority in an unambiguous task
  • How many participants were in Moscovici's experiment?
    192 female participants
  • What were the participants in Moscovici's experiment asked to do?
    Judge the color of 36 varying shades of blue slides
  • What did the confederates in Moscovici's experiment say about the slides?
    They said the slides were green
  • What did Moscovici find about minority influence in his experiment?
    Minorities could change the attitudes of the majority if consistent
  • What percentage of participants agreed with the minority at least once in Moscovici's experiment?
  • What percentage of participants agreed with the minority consistently in Moscovici's experiment?
  • What happened when the confederates were inconsistent in Moscovici's experiment?
    Participants agreed with them 1.25% of the time
  • What is a criticism of Moscovici's experiment regarding population validity?
    It used only female participants, limiting generalizability to males
  • What is a criticism of Moscovici's experiment regarding ecological validity?
    It was a laboratory experiment, which may lack ecological validity
  • What is a criticism of Moscovici's experiment regarding ethics?
    It was unethical due to deception of participants
  • What did Nemeth criticize about Moscovici's experiment?
    Moscovici ignored the factor of flexibility
  • What did Nemeth find about flexibility in her experiment?
    Participants conformed more when the minority was flexible
  • What was the third condition in Nemeth's experiment?
    Confederates compromised their answers based on the shade of blue
  • What does Nemeth's experiment suggest about minority influence?
    Flexibility is an important factor in minority influence