Stores events (episodes) from our lives eg. personal experiences and events
Are episodic memories time stamped?
yes - you remember when they happened and how they relate in time
Episodic memories are complex, they involve several elements - people, places, objects and behaviours are woven into one memory
What does semantic memory do?
Stores generalknowledge and facts e.g. meaning of words, taste of things
Are semantic memories time stamped?
no - they are less personal than episodic and more about facts/knowledge that we all share
What does procedural memory do?
Stores memories of how we do things e.g. riding a bike or writing
Strength for different types of LTM:
Case study evidence - HM didn't have episodic memory but semantic memory was still intact same with procedural
Researchers lack control in clinical case studies - they don't know about the person's memory before brain damage
Limitation of different types of LTM:
Conflicting findings - Buckner and Petersen reviewed research findings and concluded that semantic memory is located in the left prefrontal cortex with episodic on the right
BUT other studies have found that semantic people was associated with the right prefrontal cortex and episodic was the left
What did Belleville et al do?
Helping people with memory problems
Memory loss in old age links to episodic memory, devised an intervention for older people targeting episodic memory, which improved their memory compared to the control group