half a league - league is 3 miles long - can show quality but also how they are not up to the challange ahead
valley of death - biblical allusion
vally of death - connotations of hell
how is repetitions used in the poem?
builds tension and drags out the charge
what is the affect of - cannon to the left , cannon to the right , cannon infront of them
repetition shows how they are outnumbered
what is the connotations of - mouth of hell -
personifies death - futility and bravery of soldiers.Shows how the soldiers are going to die so bravely
what is meant by 'sabres'
sabres - swords
all the world wondered
hyperbole - shows the scale of there mistake
tennyson uses the repetition of cannon to the right , cannon to the left and cannon in front to show how how they charged in so fast and then how in parallel they charged out so fast
when can their glory fade?
rhetorical question - not that sad but they die but is just more concerned about their glory and how they will be remembered
nobalsix hundred
imperative - ordering people to give their respects to the soldiers.Tennyson that the soldiers should be honored like heros
Imperative - Instructions
the poem is suggesting that heros have been made from this conflict.Tennyson wants to show their bravery and strength
who wrote cotlb?
Lord Tennyson
the light brigade was a very lightly equipped,more for scouting or attacking from the back or sides rather from in front