What did Reagan say as part of his 'Evil Empire' speech?
Called the USSR evil
Americans should be completely anti-communist
The arms race was the USSR's fault
What was SDI?
A plan created in 1983 to create a system using satellites and lasers to shoot down missiles launched by the USSR
What does SDI stand for?
What would SDI do for the USA?
Swung the nuclearbalance in their favour
Would have gotten rid of MAD
What was the nickname for SDI?
Star Wars
What did Reagan persuade Congress to do?
Boost armed forces by increasing arms spending
1982 - 13% more spent on arms
A further 8% more was spent in 1983 & 1984
Have Trident submarines and stealth bombers developed
What was the Reagan Doctrine?
The USA would support anti-communist governments and anti-communist groups trying to overthrow communist governments
Which countries received support under the Reagan Doctrine?
El Salvador and Nicaragua
What did the USA do in Grenada under Reagan?
Invaded it and toppled the communist government
How much did the US government spend over the next decade trying to create SDI?
$30 billion
When did Reagan announce SDI to the public?
23rdMarch 1983
How did the USSR react to the SDI?
They were shocked
They saw SDI as a significant threat to their safety as the SDI broke the 1967Outer Space Treaty
They could not afford to create a new weapons system as their economy was failing and they had already spent an unsustainable amount of money on trying keep up with the nuclear technology of the USA
They believed the USA was becoming more aggressive towards them
How did the SDI impact US-Soviet relations?
Announcing the SDI was a tactic to force the USSR to collapse or accept defeat in the Cold War as the US government did not believe SDI would become a reality anyway which worsened relations
The USA's development of computers boosted their economy but the USSR did not have the same level of technology
The SDI forced the USSR to reform as their economy was extremely poor