individual differences: hardiness L8

Cards (19)

  • Who conducted the key study on hardiness in 1979?
  • What was the aim of Kobasa and Madi's 1977 study?
    To investigate why some people are hardy
  • What are the three characteristics of hardiness identified by Kobasa?
    Commitment, control, and challenge
  • How do hardy people perceive control in their lives?
    They see themselves as being in control
  • What does commitment mean in the context of hardiness?
    Being involved with the world and having purpose
  • How do hardy individuals view challenges?
    As problems to overcome rather than threats
  • What method did Kobasa use to measure stress and illness?
    Self-report techniques and scales
  • What issue did early research on hardiness face?
    Lengthy and awkwardly worded questionnaires
  • What did Maddi's (1997) Personal Value Survey address?
    Issues with the original questionnaire
  • What is the goal of hardiness training programs?
    To increase self-confidence and coping skills
  • How does hardiness training compare to relaxation techniques?
    It is more effective than relaxation techniques
  • In what fields have hardiness training programs been applied?
    Business, education, and military training
  • What was the outcome of Maddi's (1987) study on employees?
    It reduced stress and illness in the workforce
  • What correlation was found regarding low hardiness and negative affectivity?
    High NA individuals report more distress
  • What did Lifton et al. (2006) measure in their study?
    Hardiness levels in American executives
  • What was a key finding regarding hardiness characteristics?
    They correlate with low hardiness levels
  • What did the thriving group in the study show evidence of?
    More evidence of hardiness characteristics
  • How do low hardiness individuals typically respond to stress?
    They dwell on failures and negative aspects
  • How do the findings of Kobasa and Maddi relate to hardiness training effectiveness?
    They support the effectiveness of hardiness training