stages of attachment L2

    Cards (24)

    • Who conducted the study on stages of attachment?
      Schaffer and Emerson
    • What did Schaffer and Emerson find about fathers as attachment figures?
      Fathers are less likely to be primary attachment figures
    • At what age were the infants studied by Schaffer and Emerson?
      From 0 to 18 months
    • What did Lamb (1977) report about fathers and attachment?
      Little relationship between time spent and attachment
    • What biological reason is given for fathers being less likely to be primary attachment figures?
      Oestrogen underlies caring behavior
    • What is the first stage of attachment according to Schaffer and Emerson?
      Social attachment
    • What do infants initially produce in response to objects?
      Similar responses to all objects
    • What stimuli help infants develop social attachment?
      Stimuli like a smiling face
    • What is the second stage of attachment?
      Presocial stage of attachment
    • At what age do infants become more social according to Schaffer and Emerson?
      Around two months
    • What do infants prefer during the presocial stage?
      Human company over inanimate objects
    • What is the third stage of attachment?
      Specific attachment
    • At what age do infants show stranger anxiety?
      About 7 months
    • How do fathers typically engage with their children according to Geiger (1996)?
      Playfully engage with their children
    • What do mothers tend to do differently than fathers according to Geiger (1996)?
      Mothers read stories to their children
    • What did Schaffer and Emerson find about infants with sensitive mothers?
      They had better problem-solving skills
    • What is the fourth stage of attachment?
      Multiple attachments
    • What happens after the main attachment is formed?
      Infants develop secondary attachments
    • What is a potential issue with the data collected by Schaffer and Emerson?
      It may be seen as unreliable
    • Why might there be a systematic bias in Schaffer and Emerson's study?
      Based on mothers' reports of behavior
    • What demographic did Schaffer and Emerson's sample come from?
      A working-class population
    • How might parental care have changed since the 1960s?
      More children cared for outside the home
    • What percentage of infants had multiple attachments by six months?
    • What might happen if a similar study were conducted today?
      The results might be different