Ainsworth's strange situation L6

Cards (30)

  • How many episodes does the procedure consist of?
    Eight episodes
  • What types of attachment were found in the findings?
    Three different types
  • What do securely attached infants (Type B) use their caregivers for?
    As a secure base to explore
  • How do securely attached infants react when their caregiver leaves?
    They are not likely to cry
  • What is the response of securely attached infants to a stranger?
    They show some distress when left
  • How do securely attached infants respond when feeling anxious?
    They are easily soothed
  • What is the behavior of insecure-avoidant infants (Type A) towards exploration?
    They are happy to explore
  • How do insecure-avoidant infants respond to separation from their caregiver?
    They show little response
  • What is the reunion behavior of insecure-avoidant infants?
    They show little or no reunion behavior
  • How do insecure-resistant infants (Type C) behave towards social interaction?
    They seek and resist social interaction
  • What levels of anxiety do insecure-resistant infants show?
    High levels of separation and stranger anxiety
  • What behaviors do insecure-resistant infants show when reunited with caregivers?
    They show conflicting behaviors
  • How often are observations recorded in the study?
    Every 15 seconds
  • What is the purpose of scoring each item in the observations?
    To assess intensity on a scale of 1 to 10
  • What did Main and Solomon propose in 1990?
    A fourth attachment type, insecure-disorganized
  • How do insecure-disorganized infants behave?
    They show strong attachment followed by avoidant behavior
  • What influence did Mary Ainsworth have on John Bowlby?
    She provided important evidence for his theory
  • What did Ainsworth's original conclusions suggest?
    They were incomplete regarding attachment behaviors
  • What is a strength of the Strange Situation?
    High reliability of observations
  • What did Ainsworth et al. find regarding inter-observer reliability?
    Almost perfect inter-observer reliability of 94%
  • What did Bowlby focus on in his research?
    Universality of attachments
  • What was Ainsworth particularly interested in?
    Individual differences in attachment types
  • What does high inter-observer reliability suggest?
    Observations can be accepted as reliable
  • What is the significance of Ainsworth's method of assessing attachment type?
    It continues to be a reliable method
  • What are the three types of attachment identified by Ainsworth?
    • Securely attached (Type B)
    • Insecure-avoidant (Type A)
    • Insecure-resistant (Type C)
  • What are the key features of the Strange Situation procedure?
    1. Eight episodes
    2. Observations every 15 seconds
    3. Scoring intensity on a scale of 1 to 10
    4. High inter-observer reliability
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Ainsworth's attachment research?
    • High reliability of observations
    • Important evidence for attachment theory

    • Overlooked a fourth attachment type
    • Original conclusions may be incomplete
  • Describe securely attached infants (type b)

    • use their caregiver as a secure base to explore
    • not likely to cry if their caregiver leaves
    • shows some distress when left with a stranger
    • when feeling anxious they are easily soothed by their caregivers
  • Describe insecure-avoidant infants (type a)
    • they are happy to explore with to without caregiver
    • show little response to separation
    • little or no social interaction & intimacy with others
  • Describe insecure-resistant infants (type c)
    • seek and resist social interaction with others
    • high levels of separation anxiety & stranger anxiety
    • when reunited with caregiver - shows conflicting behaviours and resists being picked up