maternal deprivation L8

Cards (17)

  • What does deprivation refer to in child development?
    Loss of emotional care from a caregiver
  • Can infants experience deprivation without physical separation from their caregiver?
    Yes, they can experience deprivation
  • What did Bowlby propose about prolonged emotional deprivation?
    It has long-term consequences on emotional development
  • What is the critical period for emotional development according to Bowlby?
    Before the age of about 2.5 years
  • What percentage of children with depressed mothers were found to be insecurely attached?
  • What percentage of children with non-depressed mothers were insecurely attached?
  • What long-term consequence did Bowlby suggest could result from deprivation?
    Emotional maladjustment or mental health problems
  • What was the key study conducted by Bowlby in 1944?
    44 Juvenile Thieves study
  • What did Bowlby analyze in his key study?
    Case histories of emotionally maladjusted children
  • What percentage of the 'Thieves' were affectionless psychopaths?
    14 out of 44 thieves
  • What characteristics did affectionless psychopaths lack?
    Normal signs of affection, shame, or responsibility
  • What was the finding regarding early separations and mental health problems?
    Frequent early separations linked to later issues
  • What percentage of control participants experienced early separations?
    Almost none
  • What percentage of thieves experienced early separations?
  • What impact did Bowlby's research have on hospital care for children?
    Encouraged parental visits and flexible hours
  • What does the term deprivation mean in the context of child development?
    Loss of emotional care from a primary caregiver
  • What did the graph mentioned in the study show?
    Results related to emotional care deprivation