influence of early attachment L10

Cards (17)

  • Who conducted the study on the internal working model in 1987?
    Hazan and Shaver
  • What was the purpose of the 'love quiz' in Hazan and Shaver's study?
    To assess current attachment experiences
  • How can the internal working model be used according to Hazan and Shaver?
    To predict future relationship behaviors
  • What does Bowlby's concept of the internal working model resemble?
    A schema, which is a basic concept
  • How many responses did Hazan and Shaver analyze in their study?
    620 responses
  • What percentage of participants were securely attached in Hazan and Shaver's findings?
  • What attachment style had a prevalence of 25% in the study?
    Avoidant attachment style
  • How did securely attached adults describe their love experiences?
    As happy, friendly, and trusting
  • What is a characteristic of relationships for securely attached adults?
    They are more enduring than insecurely attached relationships
  • What does a positive internal working model of relationships indicate?
    Healthy perceptions of relationships
  • What are the implications of the research linking early attachment to later relationships?
    • Correlational research cannot show causation
    • Early secure attachment linked to later love styles
    • Third variables, like temperament, may influence outcomes
  • What did the Minnesota child-parent attachment study find?
    Continuity between early and later attachment styles
  • How does poor parenting relate to the internal working model?
    It affects how a parent responds to a child
  • What role does temperament play in attachment styles?
    It may determine attachment style outcomes
  • What happens if there is a lack of an attachment figure during critical development periods?
    It results in a lack of internal working model
  • What is the definition of the internal working model?
    A mental model predicting and controlling environment
  • How does the internal working model relate to attachment experiences?
    It reflects a person's relationship experiences