cell organelles

Cards (30)

  • the nucleus is surrounded in a

    double membrane called a nuclear envelope
  • what does the nuclear envelope contain

    nuclear pores
  • what do all nuclei have

    nucleolus which assembles ribosomes
  • the cytoplasm contains..

    vesicles which transport substances around the cell
  • what are vesicles
    fluid filled sacs
  • ribosomes are made up of..
    RNA and proteins
  • the endoplasmic reticulum is made up of a system of..

    folded membranes
  • the RER has.. attached to its membrane
  • what do ribosomes do in the RER
    produces proteins and glycoproteins and packages them into vesicles
  • the SER..

    secretes lipids and carbohydrates and packages them into vesicles
  • the Golgi apparatus is made up of..

    folded membranes
  • what do vesicles from the ER do at the Golgi apparatus
    bind to the Golgi which modifies these molecules into vesicles so they arrive at the correct destination
  • enzymes in the Golgi apparatus..

    fill vesicles to form lysosomes
  • lysosomes contain..

    digestive enzymes
  • example of a digestive enzyme
    lysozymes which break down the cell wall of bacteria
  • the mitochondria is made up of..

    outer and inner membranes
  • the inner membrane of the mitochondria forms

  • the mitochondria is the site of

    aerobic respiration
  • the mitochondria produces..

    ATP which is needed for the movement of vesicles
  • the mitochondria contains a

    matrix which contains ribosomes and DNA
  • plant cells, algae and fungi have..

    cell walls and a permanent vacoule
  • the cell wall makes the cell

    rigid and is needed for turgidity
  • the permanent vacuole..

    stores sugars and amino acids
  • plant and algae cell walls contain
  • fungi cell wall contains

  • chloroplasts are surrounded in a
    double membrane chloroplast envelope
  • chloroplasts are filled with 

    thylakoids which contain chlorophyll and make grana
  • chlorophyll is essential for

  • grana is found in

    the stroma
  • the stroma contains

    DNA, starch grains, ribosomes