
Cards (30)

  • assumptions (computer model)

    brain processes information like a computer :
    • central processing unit- brain
    • coding- turning information into useable format
    • stores- to hold different chunks of information
  • cognitive approach
    study of internal mental processes, the role of schema, the use of theoretical and computer models to explain and make inferences about mental processes
  • cognitive psychologists study processes such as memory, indirectly by making inferences about what a going on inside people's minds on the basis of their bhevaiour
  • cognitive- indirect (inferences)
  • inference
    process of drawing conclusions about the way mental processes operate on the basis of observed evidence
  • information processing model
    input → processing → output
  • information processing model
    • input- from the environment via senses
    • processing- information encoded and processed using schema
    • output- observable behaviour
  • computer model analogy
    stimulusthinking → response
  • internal processes are private operations of the mind such a perception and attention that mediate between stimulus and response
  • people
    broca, wernicke, beck
  • theories
    computer model analogy, information processing model
  • schema
    mental frameworks, collections of connected basic knowledge about a concept or an object built from previous experience with the world
  • schema
    mental shortcuts- use quickly to understand and navigate/ interact with world, doesn't require much mental energy to decide how to respond
  • schema
    basis of prejudice/ racism
  • advantages of schema
    • processing environmental information - engage with world, without being overwhelmed by sensory information. don't need to consciously workout objects individually
    • predict the future - use past experiences to make assumptions for similar situations (often accurate as people act according to similar schemas)
  • disadvantages
    • inaccurate recall - schema assumptions can lead to influenced memory (eye witness testimonies)
    • negative schemas can lead to poor mental health - beck said that people with depression have faulty schemas which bias thinking about themselves, others and the future
  • cognitive neuroscience
    study of brain structure and mental processes
  • advantages
    • scientific - use of lab studies means it is highly controlled, standardised, so has high internal validity.
    • soft determinism - behaviour is party determined by biology and environment, experiences create schemas. thought processes - provide personal control over actions (free will) , CBT allows clients to play active role in recover which contrasts from the passive nature of drug treatments based solely on biological determinism
    • links between brain structure and internal processes - 'tan' has speech production issues, due to damage to broca's area. the direct observation using scientific and objective tools verifies broca's role in speech
    tulving used PET research - different brain activity patterns for LTM (semantic, episodic, procedural)
    • practical real world applicslations - cognitive therapy (cbt) can be used to change negative thought patterns, jury instructions have changed to avoid schema negatively impacting court cases, helps create treatments for language/ memory disorders
  • weaknesses
    • cognitive approach is not considered scientific due to the use of inferences compared to behaviourists/ biological psychologists (who used directly observable behaviours/ mental processes)
    • computer model - machine reductionist (over simplistic). the human brain is more complex than a computer due to consciousness and emotions, which lead to irrational behaviour
  • broca area
    found damaged frontal lobe - permanently damage speech production
  • werncike's area
    speech comprehension
  • wernicke's area
    left posterior superior temporal gyrus.
  • broca + wernicke
  • cognitive approach in real life 

    • understand and treat mental illnesses (cbt)
    • prevent road traffic accidents
    • increase supermarket sales
  • determinist
    removes free will
  • ignores individual experiences
  • people are influenced by outside behaviours and their own brain structure (deterministic) but can impose reasoning on their thinking (free will).
  • the cognitive approach ignores the role of individual experience because it focuses on how people process information rather than their unique backgrounds and perspectives.
  • the cognitive approach has been criticized for being too simplistic and ignoring other factors like emotions, social context, and cultural influences.