Genetic and Neural

    Cards (25)

    • Which area of the brain seems to be damaged in psychopathic offenders?
      The prefrontal cortex
    • Which gene is thought to be linked to crime?
      MAOA gene
    • How is the MAOA gene thought to be linked to crime?
      It controls dopamine and serotonin levels
    • What is the ‘recipe for disaster’ in genetic explanations?
      Combination of genetic predisposition and environment
    • What do twin studies in genetics examine?
      • Genetic similarities between twins
      • Concordance rates for behaviors
      • Influence of genetics on traits
    • What is concordance in twin studies?
      • Agreement between twins on traits
      • Higher rates indicate genetic influence
    • What are candidate genes?
      • Genes linked to specific behaviors
      • May predispose individuals to crime
    • What is the diathesis-stress model?
      • Interaction of genetic predisposition and stress
      • Environmental factors trigger genetic risks
    • What did Christiansen (1977) study?
      Over 3500 twin pairs in Denmark
    • What were the concordance rates for MZ and DZ males in Christiansen's study?
      35% for MZ, 13% for DZ
    • What did Crowe (1972) find regarding adopted children?
      50% risk with criminal biological mother
    • How do environmental factors relate to genetic predisposition in crime?
      They can trigger genetically predisposed behavior
    • What abnormalities did Tiihonen (2014) find in offenders?
      Two genes linked to violent crime
    • What does the MAOA gene control?
      Dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain
    • What does the CDH13 gene regulate?
      Neural pathways and synapse maintenance
    • What is the significance of reduced grey matter?
      Indicates potential impairment in brain function
    • What are the characteristics of Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD)?
      • Reduced emotional responses
      • Lack of empathy
      • Common in convicted criminals
    • What brain area is affected in individuals with APD?
      The prefrontal cortex
    • What happened to Phineas Gage after his accident?
      He became a violent drunk after recovery
    • What role do the prefrontal lobes play in behavior?
      They moderate impulses and control behavior
    • What did Raine et al find regarding grey matter in APD individuals?
      11% reduction in grey matter in PFC
    • What does Raine's research suggest about the brains of individuals with APD?
      • Reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex
      • Linked to emotional behavior regulation
    • What are the candidate genes associated with offending behavior?
      • MAOA gene
      • CDH13 gene
    • What findings are associated with Christiansen and Crowe's studies?
      • Genetic influence on criminal behavior
      • Higher risk in twins and adopted children
    • What does Tiihonen's research indicate about genetic factors in crime?
      • Identified specific genes linked to violence
      • Suggests biological predisposition to crime
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