Frustration-aggression hypothesis

Cards (7)

  • What does the frustration-aggression hypothesis state?
    Aggression is a response to frustration
  • When does frustration occur according to the hypothesis?
    When you're prevented from achieving a goal
  • How can punishment affect aggression according to the hypothesis?
    It may lead to aggression being displaced
  • What is displacement in the context of frustration-aggression hypothesis?
    Displacement occurs if the source of frustration is unavailable
  • What is catharsis in relation to aggressive acts?
    A psychodynamic process that relieves frustration
  • How does achieving goals through aggression affect future behavior?
    It makes aggression more likely to occur
  • What are the key components of the frustration-aggression hypothesis?
    • Aggression is a response to frustration
    • Frustration occurs when goals are blocked
    • Punishment can lead to displaced aggression
    • Displacement occurs if the source is unavailable
    • Aggression can relieve frustration through catharsis
    • Rewarded aggression increases future aggression likelihood