self diclosure

Cards (9)

  • What does self-disclosure refer to?
    Information shared about ourselves with others
  • Why do we disclose likes and dislikes in a new relationship?
    To find out about the person and match ourselves
  • How does the process of self-disclosure evolve in a relationship?
    We gauge how much to disclose over time
  • What is the social penetration theory by Altman and Taylor?
    Gradual exchange of personal information through self-disclosure
  • What happens as disclosure increases in a romantic relationship?
    Partners penetrate more deeply into each other's lives
  • What are the concepts of breadth and depth in self-disclosure?
    • Breadth: Range of topics discussed
    • Depth: Level of intimacy in shared information
    • Depenetration: Reduction in intimacy over time
  • What do Reis and Shaver suggest is necessary for relationship development?
    A reciprocal element to self-disclosure
  • What is the ideal response from a partner after self-disclosure?
    Empathy and sharing their own intimate thoughts
  • How does self-disclosure affect romantic relationships?
    • Balances disclosure between partners
    • Deepens the relationship
    • Increases intimacy