abstract data structure operating on a last in, first out basis
abstract data structure operating on a first in, first out basis
3 types of queues:
linear - when the spaces are filled, no more items can be added - data can't be overwritten
circular - data can be overwritten, front/rear pointers can move around the queue (e.g front pointer can be on 5 and rear can be on 0)
priority - is still FIFO but takes priority into consideration. Items with a higher priority are placed in front of those with lower priority, but behind those with equal or higher.
call stack:
Used when a subroutine is called. Things are saved to the call stack, such as: values of local variables currently in use, the line of code to return to, values of parameters passed to subroutine
types of errors:
underflow error - when you try to remove from an empty data structure
overflow error - when you try to add to a full (static) data structure
An undirected graph with no cycles. Data doesn't follow a sequential pattern. Used to show hierarchical data.
binary tree
dynamic data structure
rooted tree
each node has at most 2 child nodes
each node has a left and right pointer
used for efficient sorting/search and retrieval
hash tables
creates a mapping between keys and values. Each input maps to only one output. The input cannot be calculated from the output.
hashing collisions
occur when two key values compute the same hash value. If this occurs, the second value can be stored in the next available location
abstract data structure representing more complex relationships. A set of connected nodes, can be unweighted or weighted, directed or undirected.
vectors& the ways of storing them
used to store information numerically. Can be stored as lists, dictionaries, 1d arrays, and functions.
convex combination & its conditions
Au+Bv. Produces any point on the line that passes through u and v. A, B >= 0, A+B=1.
static vs dynamic data structures
static - fixed in size, size determined at compile time. If size is exceeded, overflow error occurs. typically stores data in consecutive memory locations. Can waste space.
dynamic - can change to fit amount of data. If the number of allocated memory locations is exceeded, new locations can be added to it. Data is not typically stored in consecutive locations.
increasing the size of a hash table and re-storing all of the items into the table using the hash
explain what is meant by recursive subroutine and base case:
A subroutine which calls / is defined in terms of itself. Base case - the circumstance when a recursive subroutine does not call itself
describe the steps involved in adding a record to a hash table:
apply algorithm to key value
result is the location in table where the record should be stored
if location is not empty, then use next free location
advantages of using RPN vs infix:
simpler for computer to evaluate
doesn't need brackets
no need for order of precedence of operators
no need to backtrack when evaluating
describe how a single stack could be used to evaluate RPN expression:
push values onto stack
when you get to an operator, pop top two values off stack, apply operator to them
push result onto stack
when end of expression is reached, the top item of the stack is the result