Biological approach

Cards (14)

  • Genotype
    The genetic information in the DNA of an individual's cells
  • Phenotype
    The expression of the genotype. How the genotype interacts with the environment
  • Excitatory neurotransmitters
    Stimulate the brain into action eg: dopamine. If you have too much dopamine then you can develop schizophrenia
  • Inhibitory neurotransmitters
    Calm the brain + balance mood - seratonin. If you have too little then you can develop depression
  • Strength
    Uses scientific methods
    Findings are reliable and valid as the methods are controlled
    Suggests that the biological approach increases scientific credibility of psychology
  • Weakness
    It sees all behaviour as being governed by biological processes - which we have no control over (deterministic).
    Becomes problematic when talking about crime.
    Suggests the biological approach ignores the effects of the environment.
  • Occipital lobe
    Receiving and processing visual info
  • Temporal lobe
    analysis of speech related info
  • frontal lobe
    problem solving, movement, personality
  • parietal lobe
    processing info from our senses
  • concordance rate
    the likelihood of a twin sharing the same characteristics of the other twin
  • CNS
    brain + spine
  • PNS (peripheral nervous system)

    somatic and automatic
  • Weakness
    It is reductionist (the belief that behaviour can be explained by breaking it down into its parts, such as the action of genes).
    We cannot fully understand behaviour without taking into account other factors - cognitive, emotional and cultural factors play a part and influence behaviour.