This is done in coal fired boilers when noncombustible elements and minerals found in coal melt and fuse together as lumpy ashes from coal combustion.
A manufactured fuel created from the processing of crude oil, commonly used to power vehicles. What fuel is refined to meet specific standards, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency for various types of engines, making it essential for transportation?
Net Calorific Value
What is the practical measurement of a fuel’s energy content in systems where water vapor is not condensed and its latent heat is not recovered?
A process that separates metals from their ores by applying extreme heat, historically achieved using coal to produce temperatures high enough to extract metals like copper.
heat or work
Fuels are not limited, it can be solid, liquid, or gas to produce what?
Liquid Fuel
One of the disadvantages of this fuel is that it has a greater risk of five hazards, particularly, in case of highly inflammable and volatile liquid fuels. These five hazards are Explosive, Flammable, Oxidizing, Gases under pressure, and Corrosive.
Calorific Value
This term defines the total heat energy released during the complete combustion of a specific volume of a substance. The reaction, which involves oxygen, converts the substance into gasses, heat, and light.
Manufactured Fuel
Fuels may broadly be classified in two ways, according to the physical state in which they exist in nature, and to the mode of their procurement. What mode of procurement refers to a fuel derived from natural resources like crude oil, coal and natural gas?
One of the disadvantages of liquid fuels is that the cost of the liquid fuel is relatively much higher as compared to solid fuel. However, it is beneficial in the household as the loss of heat in chimney is very low due to what?
Fossil fuels
This natural phenomenon occurs when prehistoric organic materials, such as ancient plants and microorganisms, undergo heat and pressure over millions of years, eventually transforming into sources of energy like petroleum and natural gas.
This fossil fuel is a dense, viscous mineral oil characterized by its dark greenish-brown color. It is predominantly composed of hydrocarbons, which are organic compounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon atoms. This oil is typically found in large quantities deep within the Earth's crust.
This is the scientific term for olefins.
Natural Fuel
The substances originate from natural sources and are not subjected to any artificial chemical processes during their formation. Examples of this are wood, which is sourced from trees, and coal from the remains of ancient plant matter subjected to heat and pressure over millions of years.
Methane (CH4)
The main component of natural gas that constitutes approximately 70.9% of its composition.
Gross Calorific Value
What is a measure of the total amount of heat energy released when a fuel is burned completely. It assumes all the water vapor produced during combustion condenses back into liquid water?
Solid Fuel
One of the advantages of this type of fuel is that it's easy to transport and convenient to store without any risk of spontaneous explosion.
Chemical chain reaction
In the fire tetrahedron, this is the reaction that produces ignition by consuming fuel and oxygen to create heat and light.
This high-energy form of carbon-based material, widely used during the Industrial Revolution, played a key role in powering steam engines but releases significant pollutants upon combustion.
One of the disadvantages of this type of fuel is that it is difficult to store because pressure must be limited, fire hazards are more prevalent because of higher vapour concentrations, combustion can produce toxic chemicals not found in traditional fuels, and nitrogen pollution is an issue. What is this type of fuel?
Domestic Fuel
Natural Gas is generally associated with petroleum deposits and is obtained from wells dug in the oil-bearing regions. In America, it is available to a great extent. Natural gas is widely known in what term?
Ignition Temperature refers to the required temperature to ignite a substance. What type of fuel possesses a moderate ignition temperature?
Answer: Solid Fuel
Coal is a solid fuel composed predominantly of carbon that is readily combustible. It can be classified into four main types, rank them according to their grade.
i. Bituminous ii. Lignite iii. Anthracite iv. Subbituminous
Answer: iii,i,iv,ii
Liquid fuel can be classified as Natural or crude oil, and Artificial or manufactured oils. Which of the following is the advantage of liquid fuel from these statements?
Answer: They burn withoutdust, ash, clinkers, etc.
Calorific values of fuels differ from each other. What is the main factor that differentiates and affects the calorific value of fuel?
Answer: CarbonContent
Gaseous fuel can be classified according to how it is obtained, it can be natural or manufactured. Which of the following describes natural gas?
Answer: It is a product of decomposed organic matter in which it is colorless and non-poisonous.
In which historical period did coal become a crucial resource for industrial applications, especially in the operation of steam engines, facilitating the rise of factories, transportation, and overall industrial growth?
Answer: 18thCentury
Which of the following statements best describes the concept of "combustion" as related to fuels?
Answer: A chemicalreactioninvolvingoxygen that results in the release of energy as heat and light.
One characteristic of a good fuel is that it should have a high calorific value. Which of the following fuels has the highest calorific value?
Answer: Biogas
What common household substance, often utilized as a fuel source for cooking, is derived from the refining process of petroleum? This substance is widely used in many kitchens for its efficiency and ease of use.
Answer: Propane
A dangerous by-product of combustion that can leak into enclosed areas. It has a colorless, odorless gas that can accumulate rapidly, posing serious health risks to anyone exposed.
Answer: Carbonmonoxide
What is the specific type of calorific value that excludes the effects of water vapor condensation in the combustion products? It's a measurement of energy released during combustion that does not consider the latent heat associated with the vaporization of water
Answer: NetCalorificValue
Each fuel has its own distinct calorific value may it be solid, liquid or gas. What is the calorific value of Wood?
Answer: 22,000
The efficiency of fuel mainly depends on the calorific value. Which statement is correct?
Answer: If thevalue is low, efficiency will decrease.
Which characteristic would NOT be ideal for a valuable fuel based on fuel properties?
Answer: Expensive to isolate and requires extensive refinement.
Fossil fuels are derived from prehistoric organic matter. Which of the following statements is accurate regarding their formation?
Answer: They originate from decomposed prehistoricplants, algae, and microscopic organisms that lived before dinosaurs.
In order to sustain a fire, three main components are needed. Which of the following describes what would happen if one component, such as oxygen, is removed?
Answer: Thefirewould be extinguished because the combustion reaction would stop.
Which physicochemical property is NOT commonly considered in the grading of petroleum?
Answer: Elasticity
Which of the following statements accurately describes the composition and properties of petroleum?
Answer: Petroleumis a dark, viscousmineral oil found in the earth’s crust, primarily composed of hydrocarbons, with minor amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur compounds.
Which of the following is an INCORRECT match between petroleum grading properties and their definitions?
Answer: Sulfur content - Defines the temperature at which petroleum vapor ignites.