programming (8)

Cards (9)

  • DIV
    division operator.
    outputs the quotient without the fraction part
    eg. 10 DIV 5 = 2
  • MOD
    modulo operator.
    outputs the remainder of the division
    10 MOD 5 = 0
  • LENGTH (<identifier>)
  • LCASE(<identifier>) and UCASE(<identifier>)
  • SUBSTRING(<identifier>, <start>, <length>)
  • functions
    operate the same way as procedures except they have the ability to return values
  • pseudocode for function

    FUNCTION  <function name> RETURNS <data type>   <statements> ENDFUNCTION 
  • procedures
    are blocks of associated code called subroutines
  • pseudocode for procedures
    PROCEDURE <procedure-name>   <statements> ENDPROCEDURE