To investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform
What is the procedure of Asch's research?
Lab experiment
50 male students from Swarthmore College thought they were partaking in a vision test - used a line judgement task to match a line to the target line length
Asch placed a naive participant with 7 confederates (actors planted by researchers and agreed on the answers beforehand)
Had to state which line was most like the target line (obvious) and the pps always went last
Each participant completed 18trials and confederates gave wrong answers for 12trials - CRITICAL TRIALS
Control condition = no confederates
What were the results of Asch's line test?
Naive pps gave the wrong answer on 32% of critical trials
25%did NOT conform at all
75% of pps conformed at least once
Pps interviewed afterwards mostly said they conformed to avoid rejection (NSI)
What is the Asch Effect?
The extentpps conform even when the situation is unambiguous
What are Asch's variations of the study?
GROUP SIZE - increase of 16 confederates vs. 1 pps = 31.8% increase in conformity
After 3 actors the increase in group size does not impact conformity too much
TASK DIFFICULTY - more difficult to differentiate the line length = increase in conformity
UNANIMITY - all agree on the same result = 25% increase in conformity as confidence in more difficult tasks decrease so look to others (ISI)
DISSENTER present = 25% decrease in conformity
What is the strength of Asch's study?
Perrin and Spencer (1981) - Repeated experiment on young offenders on probation and probation officers (the confederates)
Found similar level of conformity - due to authority over pps
What are the weaknesses of Asch's study?
Biased sample - only used males so it cannot be generalised to everyone
Artificial task - line judgements lack mundane realism
Lacks temporal validity - conducted in the 1950s when society was more conforming (outdated)
Ethical issues - Deception and Protection from harm (pps cannot give true consent)