Cards (14)

  • role of the father
    Grossmann -
    quality of attachment with mothers but NOT fathers were related to attachments in teens
    • suggesting that attachments to fathers are less important
    • also found that mothers and fathers have different roles
    • men have a role of play and stimulation
    • whereas women have more to do with emotional development
  • fathers as primary attachment figures
    when fathers are given this role, they take on more of an emotional role
    • Field -
    • filmed primary caregiver mothers, primary caregiver fathers, secondary caregiver fathers
    • primary caregivers fathers spent more time smiling, imitating and holding the baby
    • fathers can show responsive behaviour needed for close emotional attachment, but only expresses it when needed to
    1. the strength of the role of the father is that there are real world applications
    it used to advise families
    in many families mothers feel pressured to stay at home and look after the children
    and fathers to go out to work
  • 2. (strength of rof to advise) however research from
    men who show a sensitive response to their children form a more secure attachment
  • 3. (strength of rof to advise) reassuring to parents
    fathers can be primary caregivers too - provides confidence
  • 4. (strength of rof to advise) therefore
    parental anxiety will be reduced
    1. a stength of rof is that it shows men have an important role
    shows that the role of the father involves play and stimulation
  • 2. (strength of rof - roles) in addition, play was more exciting
    play was more exciting than mothers supporting to a mothers
    supports the idea that fathers have an important role in attachment
  • 3. (strength of rof - roles) role of the father is just a play mate
    not a sensitive figure who responds to the children's needs
    due to the cultural expectations that affect male behaviour
  • 4. (strength of rof - roles) play mate seen as good thing
    fosters problem solving
    cognitive thinking
    communicative skills
  • 5. (strength of rof - roles) therefore can be argued that
    fathers have a vital role of play and stimulation
    1. a limit of rof is that there is confusion on what is being asked
    some researchers may be looking into the roles of fathers as primary caregivers
    while others look into them being secondary care givers
  • 2. (limit of rof - question) when fathers are primary caregivers
    they take on a maternal role
  • 3. (limit of rof - question) however it's not the case when fathers are secondary caregivers
    research is subject to bias
    observers hold stereotypes
    may cause unintentional observer bias
    don't see objective reality