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Cards (29)

  • hepatic lipidosis occurs after prolonged anorexia. When the body fails to take in nutrition, it mobilises peripheral fat reserves to the energy for metabolism to energy. The mobilisation overwhelms the liver's capacity to metabolise the fat, so hepatocytes become full with lipid vacuoles
  • mitral jet valves are caused by mitral myxomatous valvular degeneration, causing valve leaflets insufficiency, an atrial jet lesion and endocardial fibrosis
  • a hard palate that isn't fully formed is a cleft palate (palatoschisis)
  • cirrhosis microscopically appears as bridging fibrosis, destruction of hepatocytes, nodular regeneration and biliary hyperplasia
  • heamangiosarcoma is proliferation of atypical spindle cells, arranged in blood filled vascular channels (has features of malignancy)
  • a haemangioma is proliferation of spindle or endothelial cells with no features of malignancy in blood filled vascular channels
  • a haematoma is a localised accumulation of extravasated RBCs and fibrin
  • Most likely cause of hyperadrenocorticism cushings in the dog is pituitary corticotroph adenoma
  • Nephrotic syndrome occurs in hypoproteinaemia after heavy protein loss
  • The most common malignant neoplasm in the oral cavity of dogs is malignant melanoma
  • The most common neoplasm in the ovary of the mare is the granulosa-theca cell tumour
  • coagulatin factor IX and XI disorders will cause PT normal, APTT increased, D-Dimer normal, Fibrinogen normal, Platelets normal
  • sweet clover can affect coagulation factor X
  • Decreased RBCs, reduced PCV, high MCV and low MCHC are indicative of regenerative anaemia
  • sertoli cell tumours cause feminisation syndrome
  • increased appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, high sodium + glucose, and low potassium are indicative of hyperadrenocorticism
  • The patient has marked proteinuria. On ultrasound, both kidneys are enlarged with increased brightness. The most likely diagnosis is amyloidosis
  • Milk spots is caused by ascaris suum
  • The three key features of liver cirrhosis are Nodular regeneration, biliary hyperplasia, fibrosis
  • Johne's disease is mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis
  • skeletal muscles need an intact basal lamina, satellite stem cells for sarcoplasm production, and a good blood supply for macrophages to clear debris to repair
  • In black leg, clostridium chauveoei spores establish in the GI tract, then enter the blood, eventually reaching muscle. They lie latent until there is a muscle injury – where they then germinate under anaerobic conditions. Bacilli form  toxins which cause capillary damage, serous and haemorrhagic exudates, necrosis, emphysema, and crepitus
  • Rhabdomyolysis is dissolution of skeletal muscle and subsequent leakage of myoglobin.
  • Immature (woven) bone is where collagen is arranged in random weaves, and is only normal in the foetus. In adult animals this is a sign of pathology e.g. fracture, neoplasia or inflammation.
  • Fibrous osteodystrophy is a metabolic bone disease where bone is resorbed and replaced by rubbery fibrous CT and poorly mineralised immature bone
  • The most common primary neoplasms of bone are osteoma and osteosarcoma. Cartilage can also show neoplasia (chondroma / chondrosarcoma)
  • Cartilage is comprised of 95% matrix and 5% chondrocytes (produce matrix). Matrix is made up of water, collagen and proteoglycans
  • Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are degradative enzymes produced by chondrocytes. They are usually controlled by inhibitors but these are decreased in DJD. These enzymes destroy various collagens and non collagenous proteins in joints
  • chondrodystrophic IVDD = nucleus pulposus replaced by chondroid tissue
    non-chondrodystrophic = nucleus pulposus undergoing fibrosis