Attachment figures

Cards (6)

  • Parent-Infant attachment
    • majority of babies attach to mother first and form secondary attachments within weeks
    • they tend to attach to father by 18 months
  • Role of the Father
    • longitudinal study looking at parent interactions with teen attachment found the fathers role is more play/stimulation rather than nurture
  • Fathers as Primary carers
    • when fathers take on the role of main caregiver, they adopt behaviours associated with mothers
  • (AF) - Inconsistent findings
    • depending on the research questions, results surrounding the role of father contradict each other
    --> questions reliability/validity
  • (AF) - Absent fathers
    • if fathers have been distant (and provide an important role) why arent children without fathers developing differently?
  • (AF) - Changing society
    • as society changes, so does the stereotypical role of mothers/fathers
    --> does the findings of the research neglect that and reduce to stereotypes