Learning Theory

Cards (8)

  • Learning theory - behaviour is learned rather than innate and is focused on experience
  • Learning theory
    1. Classical conditioning
    2. Operant conditioning
    3. Drive reduction
    1. Classical conditioning
    • UCS causes an UCR while NS causes no response, UCS is presented with NS causing UCR, UCS can be taken away, CS causes CR
    • this is how we learn to associate caregiver with pleasure through food as the UCS
  • 2. Operant conditioning
    • behaviour is repeated (or not) depending on the consequence (reinforcement/punishment) which is a two-way process
  • 3. Drive reduction
    • caregiver provides food so the primary drive of hunger gets generalised to them
    • this makes them a secondary drive
  • (Lt) - Based on animal research
    • results may not be generalisable to humans as there's many mental/behavioural differences between animals and humans
  • (Lt) + Animal studies
    • allow research that isnt possible to conduct with humans (multi generational comparisons etc.)
  • (Lt) - Cant explain all factors
    • there is some evidence to suggest that behaviour is innate (e.g. crying at birth cant be learned but still happens)