Bowlby's Theory

Cards (11)

  • Bowlby's monotropic Theory - evolutionary explanation
  • Bowlby's monotropic theory
    1. monotropy
    2. law of continuity
    3. law of accumulated seperation
    4. social releasers
    5. sensitive period
    6. internal working model
  • Monotrophy - a child's attachment to one particular caregiver is different and more important than others
  • Law of Continuity
    • the more constant/predictable a child's care is, the better quality of attachment
  • Law of Accumulated seperation
    • effects of every seperation add up
  • Social releasers
    • set out innate 'cute' behaviours babies use to encourage attention from adults
  • Sensitive period
    • when a child is maximally sensitive to attachment at around 2 (similar to critical period)
  • Internal working model
    • child forms internal mental representation of relationships based off their primary caregiver
  • (BMt) + Continuity hypothesis
    • Minnesota parent-child study found a link between early attachment and late social behaviour (internal working model effects)
  • (BMt) + Support for social releasers
    • evidence that cute baby behaviours are intended to initate social interaction as they are stopped when no attention is given
  • (BMt) - Alternative explanation
    • Kagan - temperament hypothesis, an infant's innate personality may explain attachment behaviour