Working memory model

Cards (9)

  • What is the working memory model
    Suggests STM is different sub units coordinated by central decision maker
  • what is the central executive as part of the working memory model
    supervisor, coordinater role, very limited capacity
  • what is the phonological loop as part of the working memory model
    Auditory info (reading), phonological store stores what we hear, articulatory process allows maintenance rehearsal, coding accoustic capacity 2 seconds,
  • what is the visuo-spatial sketchpad as part of the working memory model

    visual info, visual catch: stores visuals, inner scribe: stores arrangements, coding is visual or spatial capacity limited
  • what is the episodic buffer as part of the working memory model
    storage of other stores before it goes into LTM, capacity is 4 chunks
  • working memory model diagram

    central executive
    <> visuospatial sketchpad
    <> episodic buffer <> LTM
    <> phonological loop (articulatory system<> phonological store)
  • What is a strength of the working memory model
    Brain damage victim ‘KF’ broken phonological loop, working visuospatial sketchpad (recall better visual data than auditory) > supoorts that there are separate STM stores
    However case studies are very specific and cannot be generalised
  • What is a strength of the working memory model
    supporting evidence by badderly who had participants do visual + verbal and visual + visual recall tasks > same store dual task lowered efficiency it was competing with itself > shows there are seperate STM stores
  • What is a weakness of the working memory model
    Studies used tasks that are unlikely to be used in life in highly controlled conditions > low validity