Capacity,duration and coding

Cards (16)

  • What do all models of memory share in terms of structure?
    The existence of STM and LTM
  • What is long-term memory (LTM)?
    A permanent store for limitless information
  • How do STM and LTM differ in terms of capacity?
    STM has limited capacity; LTM is unlimited
  • What is the duration difference between STM and LTM?
    STM holds information briefly; LTM for long periods
  • What does coding/encoding refer to in memory?
    The format in which information is stored
  • What is the capacity of short-term memory (STM)?
    1. 9 items or 7±2 chunks
  • How can the capacity of STM be assessed?
    Using a digit span technique
  • What does the digit span technique involve?
    Recalling sequences of letters or digits
  • Who used the digit span technique to assess STM capacity?
  • What was the average span for digits found by Jacobs?
    1. 3 items
  • What was the average span for letters found by Jacobs?
    1. 3 items
  • What did Miller find when he replicated Jacobs' study?
    Similar results regarding STM capacity
  • What term did Miller coin regarding STM capacity?
    'The magic number 7±2'
  • How can the capacity of STM be increased according to Miller?
    By using chunking
  • Outline one way in which researchers have investigated capacity of short term memory
    • participants are read a sequence of letters/numbers and asked to repeat the same sequence back immediately.
    • An additional digit is added on each subsequent trial to measure the capacity of STM
    • (the digit span technique)
  • Outline one way in which researchers have investigated the duration of short-term memory
    • participants are given a trigram
    • asked to count backwards from a certain number for a specified time
    • They are then asked to recall the original trigram.