
Cards (48)

  • Which vibrios are not halophilic?
    Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio mimicus
  • How are vibrios primarily transmitted?
    Through contaminated water or seafood
  • Where are vibrios commonly isolated?
    In the gastrointestinal tract
  • What is the shape of vibrios?
    Comma shaped or curved rods
  • Are vibrios facultative anaerobes?
  • Which vibrio is not oxidase positive?
    Vibrio metchnikoii
  • What enrichment media is used to isolate vibrios?
    Alkaline peptone water
  • What agar is used for subculturing vibrios?
    TCBS agar
  • What is the initial pH for vibrio isolation?
    8.4 pH
  • Can vibrios grow in an acidic environment?
  • What color do sucrose fermenters turn on TCBS agar?
  • Which vibrios are sucrose positive?
    Cholerae, alginolyticus, fluvialis, furnissi
  • Which vibrios are sucrose negative?
    Parahaemolyticus, vulnificus, mimicus
  • What is the causative agent of cholera?
    Vibrio cholerae
  • What type of vibrio is halotolerant and non-halophilic?
    Vibrio cholerae
  • What is the poorly immunogenic antigenic structure?
    Flagellar (H) antigen
  • What is the serologically specific antigenic structure?
    Somatic (O) antigen
  • Which vibrio cholerae strain causes epidemic and pandemic cholera?
    O1 strain
  • Which vibrio cholerae strain causes cholera-like disease?
    Non-O1 strain
  • What are the three serotypes of the O1 strain?
    Ogawa, Inaba, Hikojima
  • Where is Ogawa isolated?
  • Where is Inaba isolated?
  • Where is Hikojima isolated?
  • What are the two biotypes of the epidemic strain of vibrio cholerae?
    Classical and El Tor
  • Which biotype is responsible for the recent pandemic?
    El Tor
  • What is the classical biotype's characteristics?
    Nonhemolytic, vg negative, polymyxin B susceptible
  • What is the El Tor biotype's characteristics?
    Beta hemolytic, vg positive, polymyxin resistant
  • Which vibrio is very similar to cholerae O1 El Tor biotype?
    Vibrio cholerae 0139
  • What is needed to differentiate O1 from O139?
    Antigen detection or polysaccharide capsule detection
  • What is an O1 Ag negative and polysaccharide capsule positive vibrio?
    Vibrio cholerae O139
  • What is an O1 Ag positive and polysaccharide capsule negative vibrio?
    Vibrio cholerae O1
  • Is Vibrio cholerae only pathogenic to humans?
  • What is the normal gastric acidity for infection to occur?
    More than 101010^{10} vibrio cholerae in water
  • What is the organism count in food for infection to occur?
    Less than 10210410^{2} - 10^{4}
  • From where are specimens usually taken for Vibrio cholerae diagnosis?
    Stool and rectal swabs
  • What is used for Vibrio sp transport?
    Cary Blair
  • What culture media is used for vibrio isolation?
    Peptone agar, BAP at 9pH, TCBS
  • Which vibrio species is ADH test positive?
    Fluvialis, Furnissi
  • Which vibrio species is cellobiose test positive?
  • Which vibrio species is VP test positive?