
Cards (15)

  • What is obedience
    When somebody acts in response to a direct order from an authority figure as they have a fear of punishment
  • What did Milgram want to investigate?
    Whether people would commit unjust orders on others if ordered by an authority figure
  • How many participants continued to 450V?
    65 percent
  • How many participants went up to 300V
    All of the participants
  • How many participants stopped at 300V
    5 participants
  • What did Milgram conclude from his study?
    • under the right circumstances, ordinary people will commit unjust orders
  • What is the agentic state
    • the state in which a person does not view themselves as responsible for their actions
    • they have passed responsibility onto the person they perceive to have legitimate authority
    • they are an agent of another person
  • What is the agentic shift?
    • When a person changes from the autonomous to agentic state
    • once the agentic shift has taken place, the person will blindly obey
  • What is authoritarian personality?
    • a person who has extreme respect for authority and is more likely to be obedient to those who hold power over them
    • Adorno believed that those who have authoritarian personality are more likely to obey
  • Why does Adorno believe some people develop an authoritarian personality?
    • due to strict parenting which enforced high standards of discipline
    • due to their fear of punishment, the child displaces their resentment towards their parents on those below them
  • People with authoritarian personality will always obey authority due to fear of punishment and expect those below them in social status to show respect to them
  • What is legitimacy of authority
    • it is agreed in society that certain groups or people have authority
    • as a society we agree and accept that these people hold power
    • we learn via socialisation that we will be accepted if we obey those with authority because they have the power to punish us
    • societies are ordered in a hierarchal way
  • It is accepted that some groups have legitimate social power above those beneath them in the hierarchy
  • What is Adorno's F-scale
    • he developed a questionnaire called the fascism scale to measure levels of authoritarian personality
  • What did Adorno find about people who scored highly on the F-scale?
    • they identified with strong people and showed disrespect to the weak
    • they were conscious of status - showing excessive respect to those in power