Resistance to social influence

Cards (8)

  • What is social support?
    • when a person has an ally who is supporting their point of view
  • How does social support lead to resistance?
    • having an ally can build confidence and allow individuals to remain independent
    • individuals no longer fear being ridiculed, allowing them to avoid normative social influence
    • individuals who have support for point of view are more likely to disobey orders
  • Who proposed locus of control?
  • What is locus of control?
    • it refers to a person's perception of personal control over their own behaviours
    • it is based on someones personality
  • Define people who have external locus of control
    • they believe that things happen to them without their control, due to factors such as luck
    • they blame others and take less responsibility
    • they are more likely to obey
  • Define people with an internal locus of control
    • they take full responsibility for the outcome of their actions
    • rely less on opinions of others
    • more likely to be leaders
    • therefore they are less likely to obey and likely to resist social influence
  • Research support for social support:
    • In one of Asch's variations, one confederate was instructed to give the correct answer throughout
    • The rate of conformity dropped to 5 %
  • What are two reasons people may resist to social influence?
    • social support
    • Internal locus of control