Binary fission and viral replication, cancer

Cards (6)

  • Describe how prokaryotes divide
    Binary fission occurs; Replication of the circular DNA; Division of cytoplasm to produce 2 daughter cells; Each with single copy of circular DNA; and a variable number of plasmids
  • Describe how new viruses infect cells and are replicated
    The virus's attachment protein binds to receptors on the cell surface membrane.
    The viral nucleic acid enters the cell's cytoplasm
    The viral DNA is replicated
    the cell uses viral DNA to make viral proteins viral DNA and protein are used to assemble new viruses
    The virus buds off wrapped in cell membrane which becomes its lipid envelope.
  • describe how viruses with RNA as their genetic material are produced
    The virus's attachment protein binds to receptors on the cell surface membrane.
    The virus enters the cell by endocytosis.
    DNA copy made of viral RNA using reverse transcriptase;
    The DNA is inserted into host DNA
    the cell uses viral DNA to make viral proteins/particles;
    and makes new viral DNA
    The host cell makes new viruses;
    The virus buds off wrapped in cell membrane which becomes its lipid envelope.
  • why can cancer cells grow rapidly
    Mutations to DNA affect genes controlling cell division, accelerating the division of cells. Damaged cells usually get destroyed, but cancerous cells divide rapidly and form a tumour.
  • what can uncontrolled cell division lead to
    the formation of tumours and cancers
  • how are cancer treatments targeted
    Cancerous cells divide faster, cancer treatments target rapidly dividing cells and control the rate of cell division, therefore slowing the rate of growth of the tumour.