Literary Realism

Cards (8)

    • What is Literary Realism?
     A 19th-century artistic and literary movement that aimed to portray life truthfully and accurately, as opposed to the idealized depictions of Romanticism.
    •  What movement did Literary Realism react against?
    • What was the primary goal of Realist artists and writers?
    To depict everyday life and ordinary people as they truly were, without idealization or romanticization.
    • How did Realism differ from Romanticism in terms of subject matter?
    Realism focused on the mundane, unglamorous, and sometimes harsh realities of life, while Romanticism often featured idealized characters, beautiful settings, and escapist narratives.
    • Name a Realist artist mentioned in the passage and what he depicted.
     Louis Robert Carrier-Belleuse, a French painter who depicted the labor and struggles of the working class.
    •  Did Realism prioritize beauty or truth?

    • When did the realist movement begin?
    in the 19th century.
    • True or False: Realist writers and artists often displayed idealized characters and settings.
