The process in which large, insoluble molecules are hydrolysed by enzymes to produce smaller, soluble molecules that can be absorbed and assimilated
What is chemical digestion?
hydrolysis reactions
What is mechanical digestion?
The physical breakdown of large molecules into smaller sections (e.g. actions of the teeth and stomachchurning)
Why are different digestive enzymes produced in different parts of the digestive system?
They require different optimumPH
What are the two types of amylase?
Salivary amylase - starch digestion occurs in the mouth
Pancreatic amylase - starch digestion occurs in the smallintestine
What occurs in starch digestion?
Chewing stimulates the secretion of amylase from the salivary gland
In the mouth, the glycosidic bonds in starch are broken in hydrolysis reactions catalysed by amylase, to form maltose (disaccharide)
In the smallintestine, the glycosidic bond in maltose is then broken in a hydrolysis reaction catalysed by maltase (a membranebounddissacharidase) to form alphaglucose
This glucose is soluble and can be absorbed across the gutwall into the blood via cotransport
Where is maltase found?
The cellmembranes of epithelialcells in the smallintestine