
Cards (12)

  • inspiration/inhaling
    -external intercostal muscles contract and internal intercostal muscles relax
    -this moves ribcage up and out
    -diaphragm flattens
    -volume of chest cavity increases
    -pressure inside the lungs drops below atmospheric pressure
    -forces air to rush into the lungs
  • expiration/exhaling
    -external intercostal muscles relax and internal intercostal muscles relax
    -moves ribcage in and down
    -diaphragm moves up
    -volume of chest cavity decreases
    -pressure inside the lungs increases above atmospheric pressure
    -air rushes out of the lungs
  • spirometer
    measures lung function. chamber filled with oxygen sat on a water tank. pen tracks movement of chamber to produce a trace.
  • using a spirometer safely
    -disinfect/ sterilise mouthpiece
    -sufficient fresh oxygen in the chamber
    -carbon dioxide accumulates and could be dangerous- use soda lime to absorb
    -make sure subject is healthy- not asthmatic
    -ensure water level is below opening of the tubes
  • tidal volume
    -volume of air moved in and out of the lungs in 1 breath @ rest
    -subject wears nose clip and breathes normally
    -measure amplitude of atleast 3 waves and calculate the mean
  • vital capacity
    -largest vol of air that can be moved in and out of the lungs in one breath
    -measure difference between highest part and lowest trough
  • residual volume
    -volume of air always left in the lungs even after the deepest breath
  • dead space
    -air in bronchi, bronchioles and trachea that doesn't contribute to gas exchange
  • inspiratory reserve volume
    -extra volume of air that is breathed in in a deep breath compared to tidal volume
  • expiratory reserve volume
    -extra volume of air that is breathed out compared to tv
  • calculating oxygen consumption
    -add soda lime to spirometer to absorb exhaled carbon dioxide and fill chamber with oxygen
    -as you breathe in you take in air from the oxygen chamber and carbon dioxide absorbed by soda lime
    -overall drop in volume
    -trace drops as more oxygen is used
    -draw a line at the top of the peaks
    -measure gradient over a given time period
  • forced expiration
    -active (requires energy)
    -internal intercostal muscles contract
    -abdominal muscles contract forcing the diaphragm up
    -ribs pulled down hard