
Cards (115)

  • What type of bacteria are Borrelia spp.?
    Helically coiled bacteria
  • How are Borrelia spp. transmitted?
    Through arthropod vectors like lice and ticks
  • What does Borrelia recurrentis cause?
    Louse-borne relapsing fever
  • What is the vector for Borrelia recurrentis?
    Human louse (Pediculus humanus)
  • What are the symptoms of Borrelia recurrentis infection?
    High fever, myalgia, and confusion
  • What type of fever is caused by Borrelia hermsii/Borrelia parkeri?
    Tick-borne relapsing fever
  • What is the vector for Borrelia hermsii/Borrelia parkeri?
    Ornithodoras ticks
  • What disease does Borrelia burgdorferi cause?
    Lyme Disease
  • What are the vectors for Borrelia burgdorferi?
    Ixoda ticks and Deer ticks
  • What are the three stages of Lyme Disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi?
    1. Erythema chronicum migrans (bull’s eye rash)
    2. Dissemination through blood to various organs
    3. Neurological abnormalities and chronic arthritis
  • What medium is used for culturing Borrelia spp.?
    Kelly’s medium
  • What is the gold standard serological test for Borrelia spp.?
    Western blot
  • What does Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum cause?
  • What are some alternative names for syphilis?
    Great pox, Evil pox, Spanish Disease
  • How is Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum transmitted?
    Sexual contact and transplacental route
  • What is congenital syphilis?
    Syphilis transmitted from mother to baby
  • What are the stages of syphilis?
    1. Primary: hard chancre
    2. Secondary: condylomata lata
    3. Latent: absence of symptoms
    4. Tertiary: gummas and neurosyphilis
  • What is the laboratory diagnosis method for Treponema pallidum?
    Direct microscopic examination
  • What is the drug of choice for treating syphilis?
    Release of toxins as bacteria die
  • What disease does Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue cause?
  • How is Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue transmitted?
    Direct contact with infected lesion
  • What disease does Treponema pallidum subsp. endecume cause?
  • How is Bejel transmitted?
    Mouth to mouth by utensils
  • What disease does Treponema carateum cause?
  • How is pinta transmitted?
    Direct contact with infected lesion
  • What is the shape of Leptospira spp.?
    Tightly twisted with hooked ends
  • What is the pathogenic species of Leptospira?
    Leptospira interrogans
  • What is leptospirosis?
    A disease caused by Leptospira interrogans
  • What is the primary reservoir for Leptospira interrogans?
    Rodents and other vertebrates
  • How is Leptospira interrogans transmitted?
    Direct contact with animal urine
  • What severe form of leptospirosis is mentioned?
    Weil’s disease
  • What are the principal leptospiral diseases caused by Leptospira interrogans serovariant?
    • Icterhemorrhagiae: Weil’s Disease
    • Canicola: Infectious Jaundice
    • Autumnalis: Fo’rt Bragg Fever
    • Grippotyphosa: Marsch Fever
    • Hebdomadis: 7-day Fever
    • Mitis/Pomona: Swine-herd’s disease
  • What is the culture medium for Leptospira spp.?
    Ellinghausen-McCullough-Johnson-Harris (EMJH)
  • What are the characteristics of Chlamydia spp.?
    Obligate intracellular bacteria resembling Tropheryma whipplei
  • What is the infectious particle of Chlamydia spp.?
    Elementary Bodies
  • What disease does Chlamydia psittaci cause?
  • How is Chlamydia psittaci transmitted?
    Inhalation of contaminated aerosols
  • What is Chlamydia pneumoniae associated with?
    Mild respiratory tract infections
  • What are the subtypes of Chlamydia trachomatis?
    A, B, Ba, C, D-K, L1, L2, L3