
Cards (9)

  • What is the purpose of hyphens in punctuation?
    Hyphens are used to connect words, often in compound modifiers, where two related adjectives describe a noun.
  • When are two adjectives hyphenated before a noun?
    When they form a compound modifier to describe the noun together. Example: "stone-paved wharf."
  • Why is there no hyphen in "the wharf was stone paved"?
    Because the adjectives "stone" and "paved" come after the noun "wharf," so they are not compounded or hyphenated.
  • Why are "fragrant" and "town" not hyphenated in "the fragrant town drunkard"?
    Because "fragrant" modifies "drunkard" directly, not "town," so no hyphen is needed.
  • What is a compound modifier?
    A compound modifier is when two adjectives work together to describe a noun and are usually hyphenated when placed before the noun. Example: "well-known author."
  • When are hyphens used in fractions?
    Hyphens are used in fractions, such as "two-thirds" or "three-fourths."
  • Which numbers require hyphens when written in word form?
    Numbers from 21 to 99 (except multiples of ten) are hyphenated. For example: "twenty-five," "seventy-four."
  • Why are there no hyphens in "one hundred and seven"?
    There are no hyphens because the number is 100 or larger, and hyphens are not used for numbers over 99.
  • How do you write numbers 21–99 in word form?
    Numbers between 21 and 99 are hyphenated between the tens and ones place. Example: "seventy-five," "thirty-two."