Hyphens are used to connect words, often in compound modifiers, where two related adjectives describe a noun.
When are two adjectives hyphenated before a noun?
When they form a compound modifier to describe the noun together. Example: "stone-paved wharf."
Why is there no hyphen in "the wharf was stone paved"?
Because the adjectives "stone" and "paved" come after the noun "wharf," so they are not compounded or hyphenated.
Why are "fragrant" and "town" not hyphenated in "the fragrant town drunkard"?
Because "fragrant" modifies "drunkard" directly, not "town," so no hyphen is needed.
What is a compound modifier?
A compound modifier is when two adjectives work together to describe a noun and are usually hyphenated when placed before the noun. Example: "well-known author."
When are hyphens used in fractions?
Hyphens are used in fractions, such as "two-thirds" or "three-fourths."
Which numbers require hyphens when written in word form?
Numbers from 21 to 99 (except multiples of ten) are hyphenated. For example: "twenty-five," "seventy-four."
Why are there no hyphens in "one hundred and seven"?
There are no hyphens because the number is 100 or larger, and hyphens are not used for numbers over 99.
How do you write numbers 21–99 in word form?
Numbers between 21 and 99 are hyphenated between the tens and ones place. Example: "seventy-five," "thirty-two."