Resisting Social Control

Cards (17)

  • What are the two explanations os resistance to social influence?
    • Social support
    • Locus of control
  • What is social support?
    Where pressure to Conform/obey is reduced if other people are not conforming/disobeying
  • Evidence for social support?
    Asch - conformity study, a dissenter (even if wrong answer) acts as a model to free people
  • Evidence for social support:
    • Disobedience
    • Milgram - obedient behaviour decreased in the disobedient peer condition, from 65% to 10%
  • Why does obedience decrease with a disobedient model?
    The disobedient model challenges the legitimacy of the authority figure
  • What is locus of control?

    The extent to which someone believes they are in control of their life
  • Who described Locus of Control?
    Rotter 1966
  • What are the two types of LOC?
    • Internal
    • External
  • What do internals believe?
    Things that happen to them are largely controlled by themselves
  • What do externals believe?
    Things that happen to them are outside their control, place things down to luck or fate
  • Who shows greater resistance to social influence?
  • Why are internals more likely to resist social influence?
    • They take personal responsibility for their actions so are more likely to base their decisions on their own beliefs.
    • More confident, more achievement-orientated and have greater intelligence, these are traits which lead to greater resistance
  • Strength of Social Support:
    • Real world research support
    • Having a 'buddy' helps resist peer pressure to smoke (Albrecht et al)
  • Strength of Social Control:
    • Research support for dissenting peers
    • Obedience to an order from oil company fell when Ps in a group (Gamson et al)
  • Strength of Locus of Control:
    • Research Support
    • Internals less likely to fully obey in Milgram type procedure (Holland)
  • Limitation of Locus of Control:
    • Contradictory Research
    • People now more independent but also more external (Twenge et al)
  • Limitation of Locus of Control:
    • Limited role of LOC
    • Role of LOC only applies to new situations (Rotter)