Social Control

Cards (12)

  • What are the 6 steps to social change from minority influence?
    1)Drawing Attention
    3)Deeper Processing
    4)Augmentation Principle
    5)Snowball Effect
    6)Social Cryptomnesia
  • What is deeper processing?
    Where the people who are being influenced begin thinking deeply about the cause
  • What is the augmentation principle?
    Majority pay even more attention as they see the commitment
  • What is social cryptomnesia?
    Where social change occurred but people have no memory of the events leading to the change
  • Who makes social change more likely?
    Dissenters make social change more likely evidence from AschDisobedient models - Milgram Research
  • How do people use NSI to promote Social change?
    Environmental and health campaigners appeal to NSI, provide information about what others are doing so people conform
  • How does ISI cause social change?
    People become more informed about certain things and the dangers e.g. smoking
  • How does obedience create social change according to Zimbardo?
    ‘Gradual commitment’, once an instruction is obeyed it is difficult to resist a bigger one, the “foot is in the door”
  • Strength of Social Change:
    • Research support for normative influences
    • NSI valid explanation of social change e.g. reducing energy consumption (Nolan et al)
    • NSI does not always produce change (Foxcroft et al)
  • Strength of Social Change?
    • Minority influence explains change
    • Minorities stimulate divergent thinking - Broad, creative, more options (Nemeth)
  • Strength of Social Control:
    • Role of deeper processing
    • It is majority views that are processed more deeply than minority views, challenging central feature of minority influence (Mackie)
  • Limitation of Social Change:
    • Barriers to social change
    • People resist social change because minorities are seen negatively (Bashir et al)