Cards (4)

  • The role of schema:
    • “Packets of information” / cognitive framework
    • Helps us organise & interpret information, based on our previous experience
    • Information interpreted quickly & effectively- prevents overwhelm
  • Theoretical & computer models:
    • Computer analogy- the human mind handles information
    • Computer codes, stores and uses information, allowing it to produce an output
  • Cognitive Neuroscience:
    • Focuses on the neural basis of cognitive functions
    • Use of fMRI scans & PET scans- identifying parts of the brain involved in different functions e.g. language comprehension
  • Bugelski & Alampay (1961)- The rat-man study:
    • 2 groups of ppts shown a sequence of pictures of different but ambiguous faces or animals
    • Then showed the rat-man
    • Ppts who saw faces- reported seeing a man
    • Ppts who saw animals- reported seeing a rat