Evolutionary explanations

Cards (4)

  • Sexual selection- Darwin
    Natural- survival of the fittest, adaptive traits, reproduced
    Biological- sexual selection isn’t conscious, but biologically chosen
    Sexual- reproduce to pass on the traits, improving reproduction success + evolutionary advantages, genetic fitness
    • genders use different methods - anisogamy - sperm/eggs
  • Sexual selection-
    Intra-sexual selection = within
    • mate competition within the same sex
    • males compete for females + win to pass on genes
    • sneak copulation - less dominate males mate before the more dominate males = no competition
    • mate guarding - males protect females while fertile to not be betrayed (cohesive control/tending)
    • courtship ritual - seducing females with a dance or appearance
    • peacock theory - males being prettier, sexual dimorphism
  • Sexual selection-
    Inter-sexual selection = between
    • mate choice between sexes
    • traits that increase attractiveness + mates
    • females want - resources, strength, height
    • males want - fertility, youth
    • Sexy sons - Fisher - females choice to increase their kids success
  • Sexual selection-
    S- consistent with anisogamy
    S- scientific credibility through evolution of
    S- Buss - 10000 adults from 33 countries - f=resource focused, m=physical focus
    CPS- Clark + Hatfield - campus students asked ‘I find you attractive, will you sleep with me?’ - f=0%, m=75%
    CPW- shows the theory to be simplistic, as women aren’t the same as men and don’t look for ST
    W- outdated - lacks temporal validity as F have independence + not everyone wants kids
    W- non-generalisable to homosexual couples
    W- ethics - social sensitivity, gender/alpha bias = exaggerated differences