Factor: self-disclosure

Cards (4)

  • Self-disclosure-
    Openly discussing private information with others, a feeling that is gradually inclined
  • Self-disclosure-
    Altman + Taylor-
    • social penetration theory
    • gradual process of revealing your inner self
    • deepest darkest thoughts and feelings
    • breadth- lots of topics for all types of relationships
    • depth- starts superficial and low risk to then reveal more high risk information
  • Self-disclosure-
    Reis + Shaver-
    • reciprocity of self-disclosure
    • needs balance to increase intimacy
  • Self-disclosure-
    S- relationship counselling - learning to be more open
    S- wide application to homosexual couples
    S- Sprecher + Hendrick - correlations between satisfaction and self-disclosure
    W- culturally relative - women are supposed to stay silent in collectivist cultures - North Korea
    W- subjective- only attractive to individualist people
    W- can create repulsion
    W- can have a 3rd variable - physical attraction